Camping Games For 10 Year Olds

If you’re looking for fun games for camping with your kids, you’ve come to the right place. From Trash bag races to hiking stick limbo, here are some fun ideas to keep your kids entertained. You’ll also find games that help your kids improve their teamwork skills and have a lot of fun. This post shares camping games for 10 year olds.

Hiking Stick Limbo

Hiking stick limbo is an exciting game that kids love to play. Basically, you need a stick and some glowing stick rings. You can get these online, or buy a cheap broom handle. The goal is to get as low as possible without touching the pole.

Hiking sticks are useful for hiking and are easy to keep handy. You can also place them in convenient locations for the next hiker.

Sometimes, it can be hard to keep up with your children when hiking, because they might just race ahead or prefer to sit in the dirt. Luckily, some trails are flat and are safe enough to play this game.

I Spy

This is a fun game to play at the campground or while hiking. Each child delivers a hint using “I spy with my little eyes (clue)”. Whoever guesses wins.


A scavenger hunt adds fun to a nature hike. Create a list of items campers could find along the route and tell them to cross them off rather than picking them up. First person to find everything can skip dinner cleanup.


This take on a classic uses natural ingredients from a nature walk. Set up your game on a flat tree trunk. Create a grid with four short sticks, two vertical and two horizontal. Next, play tic tac toe using rocks, pinecones, or acorns.


You’ll need a huge playing space and pre-drawn boundaries. The park ranger is chosen. The park ranger starts in the center and the other players line up facing him. Each participant then chooses a mystery animal.

The park ranger says a trait other players’ animals may have. If a player’s animal lacks a feature, it must run before being tagged. The park ranger tags everyone. Tagged players become immobile trees. Last non-tree wins.

I Spy

This is a fun game to play at the campground or while hiking. Each child delivers a hint using “I spy with my little eyes (clue)”. Whoever guesses wins.


A scavenger hunt adds fun to a nature hike. Create a list of items campers could find along the route and tell them to cross them off rather than picking them up. First person to find everything can skip dinner cleanup.

Game of Tag

This classic game is a great activity to play at a campsite. Each team has a flag that they hide on one side of the playing area. Players try to find the flag and avoid being tagged by the other team. When someone gets tagged, they go into jail and can only get out if someone on their team can find them.

To play the game, campers divide into teams of two. Each team has a bucket filled with water at one end of the line, and an empty bucket at the other end.

The players have to try and fill up their buckets by dunking a sponge into the bucket, while keeping it over their heads. This game is highly competitive and is best played in the heat of the day.

A blindfold game is also fun to play at a campsite. It’s a great way to burn off extra energy while having fun. The participants need to be creative and able to react quickly when a player gets tagged by another player. For example, they can create a game where they compete to get the most ‘Green Apple’ cards.

Another popular game is blind man, which can be played with the whole group. It’s best to choose a small camping area where everyone can see each other and can easily see one another.

One camper is designated as the leader of the group, and the rest of the players must obey the leader’s commands. The last person to be tagged gets out of the game, and the person who’s still in the game becomes the new leader.

A fun nighttime game is flashlight tag. The players use flashlights to “tag” people, and whoever gets tagged is out.

Glow In The Dark Bowling

Glow in the dark bowling is a great game for kids of all ages. You can make glow in the dark bowling pins using empty water bottles, colored glow sticks, and lids.

You can also add water to the bottles for an added challenge! You can also make your own glow sticks by using plastic bags and decorating them with colorful tape.

Glow in the dark bowling is a great outdoor activity that you can take along to your next camping trip. You can make glow in the dark bowling pins out of rocks and sticks. Then, you can play the game until the sun goes down. You can also make game tokens out of flowers or rocks.

Glow in the Dark Enhances Confidence and Team Play

Glow in the dark bowling is a fun activity for kids that will enhance their confidence, increase their teamwork skills, and give them a good time. Just be sure to play the game after dark. This way, they won’t be confused by other glow in the dark items on the table.

Another activity you can plan with glow in the dark paint is glow bubbles. If you’re looking for camping games for 10 year olds, this is the perfect activity for them. It’s a great way to keep the kids entertained, and they’ll never tire of it. They’ll also have an amazing time trying to figure out how to make the glow bubbles.

A few glow sticks are essential for this game. You can even add some glow sticks to a recycled water bottle. Adding glow sticks to these bottles will make this game extra fun. Another way to make glow rings is to make glow sticks and necklaces. These are fun and exciting, and they’re environmentally-friendly.

Simon Says

Simon Says is an interactive game that gets kids moving and thinking. It helps develop gross motor skills and stimulates the senses, and is the perfect activity for mid-activity transitions and brain breaks.

A child can play for as little as five minutes and still have a blast. It also helps develop listening skills.

There are many variations of the Simon Says game. Older kids can play it on water-safe chairs. The players need to listen to what Simon says, and when they hear a command, they have to do it. If they get it wrong, they are out, and the last one standing wins. The game is easy to play alone with a child, but it’s even more fun with a group.

One version of this game is a ring toss, which involves tossing glow-in-the-dark rings. You can get glow-in-the-dark sticks and rings from your local discount store. You can also make a marshmallow shooter with a PVC pipe.

Another version of this game requires children to name objects on a campsite starting with the letter a. They can also name things in the campsite beginning with b or c. Then they can write down the objects they have spotted. This game is great for campers of all ages!

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